Undergraduate Research Week 2023
Monday, May 22, 2023
All Day

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Undergraduate Research Week is a week-long celebration of undergraduate research and creative inquiry at UCLA. Students from all disciplines gather to share their innovative and impactful work with the UCLA community at events such as the Undergraduate Research & Creativity Showcase. Now in its tenth year, Undergraduate Research Week is UCLA’s largest undergraduate conference!
Tuesday, May 23: Undergraduate Research & Creativity Showcase
The Undergraduate Research & Creativity Showcase is the main event of UCLA’s Undergraduate Research Week! Over 1,000 students will gather on the Undergraduate Research Week website to share their research and creative projects with UCLA’s global audience.
Join us on May 23 for this all-day virtual event, when students will share 5-10 minute presentations of their work, followed by Q&A with visitors. Presentations are organized into panels during three sessions: 12:30-1:50 p.m., 2:00-3:20 p.m., and 3:30-4:50 p.m. Live presentations are hosted on the Undergraduate Research Week Week website.
Friday, May 26: Undergraduate Research Week Awards Ceremony
Join us for the virtual Undergraduate Research Week Awards Ceremony from 2-3:15 p.m. on Friday, May 26, where we will celebrate the close of Undergraduate Research Week and honor winners of the Dean’s Prize and Faculty Mentor Award!
Explore More Undergraduate Research Week Events
In addition to featured events such, our campus partners are hosting online exhibitions, poster sessions, and presentations of their undergraduate students’ work at every stage of the research and creative process. Click here to explore dozens of events happening throughout the week: https://urweek.ugresearch.ucla.edu/schedule/events/.