Undergraduate Research Week 2020
Monday, May 18, 2020
All Day

Contact Information
You’re invited to UCLA’s Undergraduate Research Week 2020! Join us in celebrating the groundbreaking research and creative projects of undergraduate students throughout the week, hosted on the Undergraduate Research Week website.
Click here to view the week’s events. Notable events include:
Live-Streamed Undergraduate Research Showcase Presentations: Tuesday, May 19
Over 400 students from across campus will present their research and creative projects as live-streamed presentations via Zoom. Join us on Tuesday, May 19 from 12:30-5 PM and explore live presentations throughout the day. Presentations are organized by topic, with multiple panels running concurrently during three sessions: 12:30-2 PM, 2-3:30 PM, and 3:30-5 PM.
Pre-Recorded Undergraduate Research Showcase Presentations: May 18-22
Over 600 students are sharing pre-recorded video presentations on the Undergraduate Research Week website, available from May 18-22 and organized by topic of study
Additional Undergraduate Research Week Events
Kick off the week with a special message from keynote speaker UCLA Vice Chancellor for Research Roger Wakimoto.
In addition, departments and programs across UCLA are celebrating Undergraduate Research Week with online exhibitions, poster sessions, and presentations. Find out more by visiting the Undergraduate Research Week website.