Keck Fellows: Winter Colloquium Day 3

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Friday, February 21, 2025
9:00 am - 4:15 pm


Powell Library room 330

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Join us on Friday, February 21st, 2025 from 9:00am – 4:15pm for the final day of our Keck Fellows Colloquium!


Traveling Spaces, Traveling Aspirations: the Optional Practical Program (OPT) and Imagined Futures – Ryo Sato

Fear, Identity, and Activism during Covid-19: Conceptualizing and Supporting Racialized AsianYouths’ Experiences of Sinophobia, Foreigner Racialization, and Anti-Asian Hate in the U.S. – Ryan Horio

The Effect of Social Media on Viewpoint and Intolerance – Ellen Ohler

Maltreatment Experiences of Racial-Ethnic Minority Foster Youth: Contextualizing Access to Mental Health Services – Kristina Lopez

Inclusion and Exclusion in U.S. Immigration Rhetoric Amidst Polarization: Party, Constituency, and Co-Ethnicity in the House of Representatives – Emily Rusting

10:45am – 12:45am

Earthe Upon Earthe: Re-examination of Medieval Death – Eric Sican

Protecting Maternal Healing Spaces: Proposing and Analyzing Global Support Methods that Increase the Well-Being and Healing of Black Women and Birthing People – Leila Chiddick

Hickeys – Ella Christensen

Hospital Food and its Constituents: Perspectives of Nutritionists on Ultra Processed Foods in the Patient Diet – Kiana Karimi

An Ideological History of the National Parks Service – Jeremy Zwick


Anjar’s Urban Fabric and the Stranger Within: Tracing the Evolution of Diasporic Consciousness and Transnationalism – Narod Arisian

“Sangre Originaria”: Nawat-Pipil Efforts for the Preservation of Identity and Ancestral Knowledge – Yanci Rosales

Abraham Joshua Heschel and post-Holocaust Jewish-Christian Reckoning – Cecilia Fischer

OnlyFans: AI and Emerging Adults’ Sexual Script Development – Traja Golightly


Mechanics of Your Machine / clubSparagmos – Nkosi Nesmith-Nelson

From Hearing to Understanding: How Parent’s Language Impacts Children’s Emotion Categorization – Madison Bishop

The Determinants of Policy Representation: Evalulating the Role of Policy Type – Jessica Persano

How BLM Protests Help or Hinder Black Candidacy – Julianne Lempert

Computational Modeling of Child-Directed Speech across the Acquisition Timeline – Arjun Pawar

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